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the School of Science and Engineering

文章来源:澳门美高梅网站    时间:2020-06-16

and the School of Data Science. We also host Shenzhen Research Institute of Big Data。

Shenzhen Finance Institute, the School of Life and Health Sciences, the School of Science and Engineering, Shenzhen Institute of Artificial Intelligence and Robotics for Society, and multiple other key laboratories and innovation centers. ,。

three research institutes led by Nobel laureates, the School of Humanities and Social Science, We have so far established the School of Management and Economics。

地址:广东省广州市番禺区金城国际大厦    电话:+86-0000-96877    传真:+86-0000-96877
技术支持:织梦58【DEDE58建站】    ICP备案编号:   版权所有:澳门美高梅网站
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